Minimizing stress for your pet makes evaluations and treatments easier. Therefore, we are here at your door to door service.
There are several advantages to having in home veterinary care! By examining your pet in its own environment, your house call veterinarian can better evaluate behavior and conditions, which may be masked or aggravated by an unfamiliar environment like an animal clinic. House calls are also more convenient for you, the pet owner, as you will be getting more specialized care while saving time by not having to go to the office and wait around for your appointment.
We feel that end-of-life concerns are always better dealt with in the privacy, comfort and security of home, if possible. A house call veterinarian ensures that you can say goodbye to your pet with the least amount of stress and anxiety.
Whatever your reason, house calls are more relaxed and you and your pet can enjoy the undivided, personalized attention of an experienced traveling veterinarian.